Security Considerations

What everyone will be able to see

Your username will be publicly visible.* If you have any concerns about privacy or security, you should use a username that you don’t use elsewhere on the internet.

For example, suppose you enter the username “BibleGeek1990.” Someone could google “BibleGeek1990” and see where else it occurs on the internet. Then they would know that you are the same person. The safe thing to do is to use a completely new username for this site.

Your email address will be visible to the people who made, but no one else will be able to see it.

* It's not exactly public, but it's close to that: anyone who signs in to the website would be able to see your username. And we don't limit who can sign in to the website.

What your internet company and government can see

This website uses the typical, modern internet security. That means that:

If you don’t want anyone to know even that you are visiting, then you should use a VPN.