How to publish it yourself

This page assumes that you have some technical background. If that's not you, no problem! You may want to read the publication overview.

What do I need to understand?

This page assumes a very basic familiarity with GitHub and a working knowledge of XeLaTeX. If you're not familiar with XeLaTeX: it's a computer typesetting system that creates PDF files. There are plenty of resources online to learn, but it does have a rather steep learning curve. (If you have friends in mathematics, science, or engineering, they may be familiar with it.)

The Technical Details

The data for the project are stored in a SQL database in the cloud. For publishing, the relevant data are placed into a GitHub repository. Then a GitHub Action runs XeLaTeX on the .tex file. These are the steps:

  1. The database is queried and all of the data are written to a JSON file.
  2. This JSON file is then converted into a .tex file.
  3. The GitHub Action converts the .tex file into a PDF.

If you want to publish the books on your own, you'll want to get ahold of those files. There are two ways you can get to the GitHub repository:

  1. The name of the repository follows a fixed format. It's always pub-XXXXX where XXXXX is the project ID. For instance, for the bhsa project, you can find the repository at
  2. From the “Projects” window, click the “Advanced...” button and then “GitHub.” The repository's GitHub page will open in a new window.

Suppose you are interested in the bhsa project, and the OT book of Jonah. You'll probably be interested in these files:

  • bhsa_OT_JON.json — The JSON data.
  • bhsa_OT_JON.tex — The TeX file generated from the JSON file.
  • openreader.cls — The LaTeX class file for the .tex file.

If you are investigating a problem in the build, you could also switch to the gh-pages branch of the repository, and examine the bhsa_OT_JON.log file.

Guide to the macros
